Sunday, February 28, 2010

Somethin New

made this today....well, started it, still got a few things to add.....

...but now i gotta watch Bulls vs Hornets in game 4 of the 2nd round of the 98 NBA playoffs, i'll work on it some more tomorrow.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Effort....

...minimal at best. i managed to do some dishes today and i hooked up a program so i can get cable through my Wii (kinda) so nothing really major happened, but during this whole time i did work on a painting and while this painting is another 11x14 or whatever i spent an unusual amount of time on it....normally i jump from one thing to the next (did i mention i lost my eBay auction today on a David Choe comic book but i WON a David Choe print?!) but i managed to focus for a bit and try to make sense of this piece....anyways, it is called "Chicken Soup" but just cause i wrote chicken soup on the side of it....real deep
--early on in the morning....

--and later in the afternoon....

tomorrow after work i should be able to put the finishing touches on it and it will be up for sale.....

and by the way, if you happen to really like something you see here i'll be honest and say EVERYTHING is for sale....if you dont got the $$$ for an original I'll be more than happy to make a cheaper (but still fine quality!!) print for you so dont ever be shy to ask! Gallery framing is also available from our friends at the Frame Gallery in Park Ridge

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Another Productive Day....(that started last night)

last night did this drawing for the band "Electric Bacon"

it's a fictional band starring myself and my friend Tony Drums.....keep an eye out for our album due to be out in early 2013 (yikes!)

today actually turned out to be a little more than semi-productive i suppose...i managed to finish this painting, its small...only 11x14 or so....

...but its for sale!! (hint hint)
and then i managed to spend a couple hours working on this painting here that's really been getting on my nerves......

yuck! so far i dont like anyways i drew a bunch more faces to put in my book "Face It" (which i hopefully David Choe will never see since i stole a few faces from him!) but yeah, here's a few of them....

p.s.....i have over 100 faces drawn already, not counting paintings!

Monday, February 22, 2010


that's right, we back! every Tuesday we'll be getting creative over here in the Ridge so if ya wanna hang and make some stuff or whatever Tuesdays are the day! if Tuesday is no good for you thats ok cause im here painting on monday and wednesday as well so come on down and lets make art!

(here's a couple pages from "DevelopeMentalEvolution" , yes, ANOTHER project im workin' on)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes, Another New Project.....

in addition to everything else im working on while still trying to keep up with the olympics i have decided to pick up where i left off in transferring these tapes you see in the picture over to dvd...i started doing it a long time ago and then the box of tapes got shoved under the desk and, just getting back to it now.....

the stack on the left is the 97-98 Bulls regular season games, second stack is the 98 NBA Playoffs where the Bullies rolled through the Nets, Charlotte, and Indiana capped off with the Bulls vs Jazz in the finals, third stack is random unmarked games from the 92 season with the Finals included, the last stack is the 97 Finals vs Jazz and also Scottie Pippen's retirement game, the 88 Dunk Contest back when it was good! Jordan vs Dominique at the old Chicago Stadium....

there's a couple more boxes of tapes i still have to go through and i know there was a couple boxes lost in the flood, but oh well....its a pretty good history of an NBA legacy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beautiful Decay this is a couple shots of some funeral pieces my mom made this past week...the pictures have not yet been edited for the website but im working on that now, i just thought they were so nice and i had to post them......

ok, and a few close ups......

oh yeah, and here's one i really like too....might be the best flower pic i've ever taken!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Face It (the Book)

ok, so here's the deal with this new project (just what i need right?) anyways, i got this big sketch book and started drawing faces....all kinds of faces, dogs, kids, men, women, well so far that's all but i'm up to 85 faces! and the inspiration has come from many different places.....cartoons, movies, people i see at the restaurant, grocery store,, yeah....that's the scoop with this whole shebangadangalangadingdong thingymabob and stuff....

i suppose i should show you some examples so you dont think im bluffin......fine, here you go....

so anyways, thats that....oh, wanna see a sneak peak of the painting i been workin on to go with the book? well, since my audience is pretty much me and maybe a few others here you go...

anyways, a LONG way to go on this one, its about 4 feet by 4 feet and the table im working on is about 3x3 so its been a chore, sure sure i could work on the floor but my cats like eating my paint and then they run through it and it gets all over the floor and everywhere else..... whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ok im better's some crazy painting i sarted a few weeks ago that i had to put on the shelf for a bit....thinkin about getting back to it this week but lookin for some new ideas, so tell me what do YOU think this looks like?


boo hoo i'm so blue i dont know what to do.....

wait, what?! there's a new FULL LENGTH NO ENEMY ALBUM AVAILABLE ON MYSPACE?!?!?!


but seriously everyone, you should go to and check out this new kick ass album from my brother and his buddies

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


man, its been almost a week since i posted anything....that doesnt mean i havent been busy but i really need to keep it the past week i've managed a few more drawings that may become paintings soon, and i also worked on a couple more monsters for the upcoming show (oops did i let that slip out?)

anyways, here's a few sketches done over the past week.....
so here's my grandma

and my grandpa

and another late night "drawing in the dark" episode

and not really sure what this is but it reminds me of some of my high school notebooks from chemistry or algebra, the classes i never really learned anything in

i'm going to the Bulls game with mom tonight so hopefully somebody will record LOST for me!!! hope all is well out there in intranets land.......peace!